Saturday, November 23, 2013

"Catching Fire" - makeup

The Hunger Games... Catching Fire... The Girl on fire... whatever you wanna call it.

The Neutral Eye-Catcher

I hope you can forgive me for having disappeared for the past few weeks from the makeup world. I will return with the simplest of looks.
A neutral, wearable, eye-saturating look.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Halloween Costume 2013

So my friend convinced me it'd be the best idea to make a BMO costume for our school's theme day.....

Well. I did make it. 
And my friend dressed up as Finn the human so.... We were obviously the coolest people there... Or i mean nerdiest. 
© @eawho 

Happy Halloween everyone!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Velvet Black

sorry, they look kinda blotchy and gross, black lipstick is a pain in the ass to get perfect
Hello, nerds.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Mysterious Mask

Consider this the most wearable Halloween look I'll put up for you :D


Thursday, October 10, 2013


Oh look the trees outside my window are imitating my hair!

I love touching it ridiculously much don't judge me.
Not showing you my face right now because just no. So you'll have to manage with these.

Saturday, July 20, 2013


One beauty-related post per week, huh? That's totally happening...

No, but now I actually have something fun for you. 
played around with some colors

MOOOOaaaR coming soon

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Tooth Fairy

I just watched Rise of the Guardians, and man, let me tell you: it was cocoa butter and rainbows. Just plain and polished awesome all the way through. 
First decent animated movie in a while.

Tooth Fairy really caught my attention. Her colors, her bubbly personality. I got inspired to do a look based on her plumage. ^^

Until next time :]

Friday, May 17, 2013

Blurry sunset

I got bored while "doing homework". This was what happened. I was originally going for a sunset look, but I'm not sure anymore... The open eye version looks like something you'd find at a circus. It's a shame really. I like sunsets.

Don't hate on the editing. It's better this way and you know it.

It was a pain in the ass to wash away -.-

I sent a pizza to my friend who's as an exchange student in the US as a birthday gift last week. I'm quite proud of that actually. And this people, is why you want me as your friend. I order free pizzas for you if I haven't seen you for 9 months.

Wednesday, May 08, 2013

Seven Deadly Sins: Pride

My beauty is superior to yours....

Pride. "The original sin". The blindest sin of them all. You do not see any good in others, you barely see them at all. All you have eyes for is yourself in all your glory. Looks, accomplishments, you know the gist. It is the opposite of envy. The proud love themselves and would not change a single thing about them. If anyone disagrees, well they're just simply wrong.
It was said to be the deadliest sin from which the others emerged, failing to see God as superior and therefore being sent straight to hell. (a good example is Lucifer aka Satan)

The color of pride, also vanity, is purple. When I think of pride I see mirrors, peacocks and divine beauty. Only problem is, I don't posses the last one, so I had to beautify this look in other ways, therefore the ornamented eyecorners. 

As I said, peacocks are very proud animals, and I wanted to bring in their element with the feathers. Otherwise, it is what I see as glamour gone overboard. There is the defined crease (indicating the hard surface of proud people), the huge lashes (mystery and shelter), a shitload of glitter if you care to look for it in various places and then of course the squiggly patterns and the rhinestones to make it look unearthy. 

The seven deadly sins are now over and done and you can find them all under this tag: 7 deadly sins. I'll do a wrap up post soon as well.

Until then ^^

Monday, May 06, 2013

Feel free to scroll past

I've come across a strange phenomenon. When you do something in life, it usually is of some value to you, right? So you put effort into it. You work on it and make sure it turns out the best way possible. For example school work. You tend to invest more on the subject you want succeed in and so on. 
Well I've noticed something about myself. I have a tendency to succeed anyway, even though I didn't do almost anything for the subject of matter. I guess it's a good thing, not having to work too hard and still get a decent grade. But now it's starting to transfer onto other things as well. This blog for example. For some reason, when I get a lot of pageviews, I don't feel the need to post anything amazing. It could be just lazyness, but whenever there's a day with remarkably fewer viewers, I get worried and immediately plan 50 different things to post. 

And now, looking at how little I post nowadays, I just feel sad and ashamed. I want to do cool makeup looks every day and show them all to you, but since I have so little spare time and you guys seem fine with what's already up here, I feel like I could spend the little time I have in some other way. 
I'm not telling you not to come here or to stop reading my blog, I'm just explaining the insanity of my absence. :D

How about I start a once a week- thing, where I post something productive at least once a week. Sound good? Good. And if nothing else shows up you can always check my living state on all the other social networks and shit. You know my name.

Here's my hair last week

Monday, April 29, 2013

Acid Springtime

SOOOOOOOO spring is finally coming around. Extremely fun to come home from the land of snow to discover that there is still a gigantic pile of snow in our backyard -.- 
Anyhow, the trip went well, I survived with only a few bruises from trying to snowboard. But now I'm ridiculously stressed out over a bunch of school stuff, even though there's only 5 weeks left.

Heeeeeere's what I did in the spirit of... it getting warmer? Idk. Spring on acid. I think it's pretty self explanatory. 

Got any questions? About this look, about my life, about the female brain and how it isn't supposed to work? Go ahead, ask 'em.


Thursday, April 04, 2013


I love everything fantasy related. I love imagining things myself, I love watching/listening to/reading other people's fantasies. Mostly I quite dislike my brain, but sometimes it goes off wandering to god knows where, creating the most bizarre scenarios. In those times I actually enjoy sharing heads with my brain.

While watching the Breaking Dawn pt 2 commentary version today, I started playing around with eyeliner. First it was just a settle wing with a spade on the lid for decoration. Then things started happening underneath the eye.. And before I knew it, I had quite a mess going on. 
I wasn't sure if it was worth anything or not, but I added false lashes and thought what the hell, it's not like I'm getting executed if you don't like it. .... Right?

I did the queen of hearts lips as well, but my face was being super unphotogenic, so no fullface picture today. 

hope you like it c:

Monday, April 01, 2013

The Host

I am traumatized by how bad it was. It's not like it was all rotten, but it was a disgrace to the book.

Not even gonna get started on all the things they could have done better.

Here's to hoping The Mortal Instruments will be better.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

foods to eat with movies

You know when yo get those sudden cravings to eat chocolate when you watch Chocolat? Or in general have to eat something when you watch RatatouilleOr how you have to eat noodles and watch Kung Fu panda? And you have to fulfill it before it goes away or it'll be a really crappy day? Having one right now. It's a strong one. 

Imma go fetch me some noodles.

Monday, March 25, 2013


Yeas, hello. I saw this.

 It was amazing.

I mean, aside from the fact that there were people bending over backwards and doing freakishly dangerous jumps 10 m up in the air, the magic of the show was incredible. The music for one, sounded like something from a Greek fairy tale, accompanied by the voice of a goddess. And the super cute romantic in-between story.... Wow. Everything felt very spiritual. I'm sold. 

"An operatic introspection of the struggle for power and the invigorating energy of youth."

I want to create something based on it, but I'm afraid it won't work..
Anyway, here's what I wore to the show. You know my thing with dressing up for everything unnecessary? It includes circuses.
I was going for the "old school circus" -look, whereas the show was more on the modern and freaky side.

Until later :3

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Emotionally assfaced

As the foolish person I am, I lost the one and only piece of clothing that was of any personal value to me. 
It feels like there's a part of my identity missing without it! Like there is no meaning in life when there is no blue fabric to hold it together. Like the night sky is pitch black with no hope of seeing the stars again. Like a s'more without the cracker...... Actually, that's fucking delicious, so scratch that!

I am desperate to find a new, somewhat similar one. It is very pathetic how attached you can become to an item in only two years...

Jacket, where ever you are, know that my thoughts are with you. Have a safe journey, where ever it takes you. Just remember: the person you're with, the one who took you from me, give 'em hell. Mommy misses you incredibly much.
With love, 
a dork.

Frogs in a pond

I got bored so I bought a few things. 

We Care Icon nail polishes. They were only 1,90€. I had to. 

'True Friends for Life'

'True Red'

'Golden Comet'

They are actually really good quality. I am pleased. ^^

Later I got bored again so I  played with my face a bit.
Pinkish-orangey-smuge with a hint of green. 

I mean, I'd wear it. Oh wait. I already do.

I'm going to Cirque de Soleil on Saturday. It gon be awesome. When have I ever not liked the circus?

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Day and Night

Hello lovely people of the internet. I have a feeling that red hair has a really good effect on me. I feel a lot more... more. idk I've probably just inhaled too much hairspray.

Speaking of hairspray, I decided to do one of these daytime to nighttime looks, where you turn whatever you were wearing that day into something more. 

So here's what I wore today (Friday). Very simple shadowing in the crease and a shimmery beige on the rest of the lid. And finishing off with some liner and mascara.

Day                                                                                                                Night                    

What you wanna do is darken everything. Darken your eye shadow, darken your eye brows, darken your cheek color. And add a lot more liner. Like, a lot a lot. And, depending on what you're going for, either a dark lip color or just a nude one. I was wearing a leather west, so I didn't want to look too dominatrix, so I went with the lighter option.

And that's it.

Until later glitterbutts! ^^

Wednesday, March 13, 2013


Yes people. I finally dyed my entire head orange.

I did it myself and this was the dye I used. L'Oreal Paris Féria 7.4 Mango Intense Copper.
It has an after treatment that's supposed to last for 6 weeks and it smells so amazing!

I actually think it turned out brighter than the package had promised.
But omg I love it so much. 
It does crazy stuff in the sun :D

My head is doing good right now (hair, llama hat) ^^ On the outside that is. Inside it's still total chaos.

Until later bubblebutts!



I haven't loved a hat this much since I made one in 2nd grade that looked like pig.
