Thursday, March 21, 2013

Emotionally assfaced

As the foolish person I am, I lost the one and only piece of clothing that was of any personal value to me. 
It feels like there's a part of my identity missing without it! Like there is no meaning in life when there is no blue fabric to hold it together. Like the night sky is pitch black with no hope of seeing the stars again. Like a s'more without the cracker...... Actually, that's fucking delicious, so scratch that!

I am desperate to find a new, somewhat similar one. It is very pathetic how attached you can become to an item in only two years...

Jacket, where ever you are, know that my thoughts are with you. Have a safe journey, where ever it takes you. Just remember: the person you're with, the one who took you from me, give 'em hell. Mommy misses you incredibly much.
With love, 
a dork.


  1. Håller me nu när jag kollar på dom på nytt :D O sminket på lila e typ lite katastrof men blåa blev snygggght :D
